Angewandte Festival 2021
I had the honor of creating the complete branding for the AngewandteFestival21 together with selected fellow students.
It all started together with Nora Delugan and the idea of visualizing the creative output of all students in a kind of fog. The fog takes up space within the university building. For the implementation we enlarged our team to 5 people. Tobias Raschbacher, Franz Tilman Frommann & Raffaele Dalla Casa joined us. At the festival a special guidance system showed the festival visitors their way through buildings.
With the font „Whyte“ by the type foundry Dinamo and several photo retouches, we implemented the sujets with the red fog in numerous media. The website of the festival was realized by the agency 101 – based on our design guidelines.
I played a decisive role in the conception & did all photo retouches. The whole project was a team effort.
All rights @dieAngewandte.